Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Best 10 Buffy Fight Scenes!

I just compiled a search for 10 best fight scenes on Google. The ones I found are pretty much the same but they lack a certain...excitement to them! And I don't agree. So, here I go. Oh, and these fights are all Buffy fights. Angel fights will be explored in another posty.

1. Buffy vs. Angelus.
This was a hard one to pick. Y'see, I have two favourite fight scenes but this one makes me cry a little harder. Yes, I cried. So what? The choreography is great but thats not what touches me about the scene. Its the emotion. That scene is so charged with power and emotional vulnerability, since the scene before was Buffy being kicked out of home [or leaving, depends on how you look at it].

Plus, angelus has tormented them all for half the season. He's derived torture on Buffy so horrible and heartbreaking. Killed Jenny Calendar. Nearly killed Giles, Willow and Xander which are the closest things she's got. Went after Joyce at one point, I believe. Buffy's got all this to deal with them he comes at her with a sword. And then she has to kill him, just after he's changed back.

Best moment: Spike vs. Dru! Classic and so funny!

2. Faith vs. Buffy fight - Graduation Day p. 1
This is what almost made it to number one. I adore all the fights between the two Slayers but this one is truly the finest of them all. Buffy is completely focused on killing her opponent, came for her blood. They spare no expense or kid gloves, the claws are out. They trash the place, then trash outside and finally Buffy stabs her in the gut. The look on Faith's face made me cry, the look of realisation, vulnerability and hurt. I am so glad she survived.

Best moment: Straight after, when the Mayor comes looking. He puts all his big plans on hold for Faith. See, the guy LOVES her! For real!

3. Dark Willow vs. Buffy
Buffy and Willow are best friends. Have been for all 6 seasons, although they did have that verbal fight in the Yoko Factor. They shared everything, told everything, were like sisters. And then Tara dies and Willow goes evil. Buffy is heartbroken and horrifed, especially when she and Willow have to fight. Its a fight made all the more awful because Buffy's dealing with Tara's death too and has a sister to protect.

Best Moment: Giles entry! YAY!

4. Angel vs. Riley
This, I was waiting for. From the moment I saw Riley, I knew they would have this fight. Buffy's boyfriend meets her soulmate and sparks fly. Of course Angel wins, he has to win. Riley does put up a good fight though. I don't understand why people didn't like Riley, he was a great character. And nobody could be a replacement for Angel, thats just dumb. But rhe fight made my week. Not that much in choreography but a whole lotta stuff behind it.

Best Moment: When they take the fight to Buffy and the look on her face. Like they're 5 year olds fighting and she's the mom.

5. Buffy vs. Caleb - The First One
Nathan Fillion was amazing as Caleb! I give full props to someone who can act completely normal and yet so sadistic. Like he's a typical southern gentleman doing his duty or thing. Plus, he's a religious person from appearance and totally freaky. Being from a pastors background myself, I find it interesting how part of the Big Bad duo was portrayed. But enough about me.

Best Moment: Caleb's line "Now I have."

6. Buffy vs. the Gentlemen
Helped by Riley for this scene, the fight is awesome. I love the fact that the episode is silent largely and the fact an emmy nomination came was icing on the cake. Its so detailed and so different to any of the other fights we've had, since the bad guys dont talk and are so precise and cold.

Best Moment: Riley and Buffy realise they're not what they seem.

7. Ethan vs Giles - Halloween
Giles! Ethan! A nice short lived one but we finally get to see Giles as more than a stuffy shirt, englishly pompous killjoy. And to meet someone who knows him so intimately and is evil. Ethan's a delicious type of evil - he knows its wrong and he enjoys it but he's kinda hopeless at the same time but has some mad skills. Plus, English.

Best Moment: The opening, when we first hear 'Ripper.'

8. Robin Wood vs. Spike
An interesting fight, considering its been over 30 years in the making. The leadup was great but the execution, while brilliant, seemed kinda silly. ITunes to start it? The crosses were rather overkill. I love the resolution but it could have been done somewhat better.

Best Moment: The flashback!

9. Buffy vs. Glory/Buffy vs Sunday
Finally, a woman thrashes Buffy! I tied the two together because Buffy finally gets her ass handed to her by a woman who resembles Cordelia. Twice. And Buffy loses quite easily. They're not big and brilliant and cinematic but the ideas are great and funny.

Best Moment: Falling through the skylight/"She was kind of like Cordelia..."

10. The Last Fight!
What can I say but AWESOME!

Best Moment: Spike's heroic action! Yay Spikey!

So, thats what I think. The fights weren't always long and drawn out but have meaning behind it.

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