Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spike or Angel?

So. The age old question: Who is better?

Angel and Spike are, for a start, completely different beings. Even pre-vampire.

Angel: High spirited Irish lad with a taste for liquor, girls and sleeping in. Your typical teenage boy, except this guy was 26. A slacker. He stole his dads silverware, refused to go to Mass and tried to seduce the maidservants and then had a nice big fight with his dad.

Spike: The guy was a mama's boy if ever we saw one. He was sensitive, kind of a loner and was so stuttery he could barely speak to a woman. I think maybe he was kinda obsessive even then. Loved his mother to bits.

First acts:
Angel: Killed family and village, especially his dad.
Spike: Turned mother into vampire to be with her forever and make her well again, then had to stake her.

Both were cruel vampires, but Spike had a sensitivity not present in any others save maybe Dalton. He was 'tainted', able to love of a kind while Angel knew lust. He didn't love Darla, he lusted for her and the same with Drusilla.

Being 'Neutered' [aka less evil]
Angel: Hid himself away, then became good. Then became evil then good. Moved to LA. Became good and then evil again.
Spike: Tried to be evil, didn't work. Became obsessive and went to get his soul back because he wanted Buffy to love him like he loved her.

Angel: Loved Buffy. Was good then evil then good again. Tried to kill her twice.
Spike: Obsessed over her. Was evil then good. Tried to kill her numerous times.

Heroic Event
Angel: Master, Acathla, Mayor, Hus, Caleb/First
Spike: First Evil

Angel: Forced
Spike: Chosen

After BTVS
Angel: Fought evil in LA for 5 seasons
Spike: Fought evil in the last season, although was evil there in the first season.

Opinion: Angel is better.
1. Angel atoned for his crimes over and over again, even if he was forced to do so at first. Spike chose his soul but he chose it for selfish reasons and then tried to get rid of it.
2. Angel was bad to Buffy for a short time, Spike was constantly trying to be bad, he even tried to rape her.
3. Angel loved Buffy. Spike lusted for her.
4. Spike backstabbed and tried to prevent Buffy at every turn. Angel turned up and helped.
5. Angel did good. Spike, not so much.
6. Angel is cuter than Spike [ok, so thats just me]
7. When they got their souls back, Spike went nuts. Angel just became reclusive.

So, there you have it....

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